Nature recovery advice

Call us on 01773 881188

Based in Derbyshire, our experienced and dedicated team of advisors and ecologists work across the country delivering a broad range of conservation projects.

The team specialises in evidence-based, stakeholder-focused conservation projects that are driven by nature-based solutions and rewilding.   

Services we provide:

  • With an experienced team of ecologists, Wild Solutions undertakes a wide range of ecological and environmental surveys and monitoring, including:

    • Habitat Surveys and Condition Assessments (UK Habitat, National Vegetation Classification, Biodiversity Net Gain)

    • Invasive Species (e.g. Japanese Knotweed, Mink)

    • Bird (Breeding Bird, Wintering Bird, Barn Owl, Nightjar, Woodcock)

    • Badger

    • Water Vole

    • Bat (Roost Assessments, Tree Assessments, Emergence Surveys, Bat Statics)

    • Otter

    • Other mammals (e.g. Harvest mouse)

    • Pollinator (Bee, butterfly, and moth)

    • Invertebrate and aquatic invertebrates

    • Reptiles

    • Amphibians (e.g. Great Crested Newt)

    • Camera Trap and Audio Moth

    • Soil Survey and Assessment (Nutrients, Carbon, Invertebrate Assessment)

    • All surveys will be followed by a detailed written appraisal, including an assessment of the findings (e.g. species assemblage) and an evaluation of the current biodiversity value both at a site level and within the wider network, using a mixture of desk-based resources, survey results and ecological expertise.

  • We can create bespoke habitat and land management for your site - no matter the size or location.

    Informed by baseline surveys and drawing on over 60 years’ experience of advising on habitat creation and enhancement, we work with our clients to develop plans to support them to enhance and create new valuable habitats on their sites.

    Using our specialist local knowledge and understanding of the wider landscape, we design plans that not only deliver exceptional value for the people, places and wildlife on site, but also contribute towards the wider, landscape-scale nature recovery network.

  • We can create bespoke biodiversity action plans which use our Nature Recovery Network Map to identify priority locations, habitats and actions for nature’s recovery.

    The action plans use a combination of geospatial approaches as well as expert ecological knowledge to form ambitious, but achievable action plans that will allow the client deliver real nature recovery across their landholdings.

  • Our GIS team can provide a range of different solutions and services, including mapping of sites and resources, identifying opportunities to expand and connect habitats, and detailed site and landscape models of ecosystem service provision.

    Our Nature Recovery Network Model forms the basis of much of our digital analysis. The model brings together the most up to date, county-wide habitat data to assess the permeability of our existing landscape and identify the most strategically significant for creating open, wooded and wetland habitat across the county. This model is regularly updated to reflect new habitat creation and priority habitats when identified. Using information from our model and our in-house expertise, we can identify key locations and opportunities to improve habitat connectivity across the county.

  • Using a combination of desk-based assessments and on-site surveys, we can undertake natural capital assessments of sites and identify the key ecosystem services the land does or could provide.

    Alongside management recommendations, our natural capital assessments identify key income streams that could be used to finance interventions and management, this includes a broad range of options from agri-environmental schemes to grants and green finance initiatives (e.g. carbon, nutrient capture, natural flood management, biodiversity).

If you would like to find out more about how we can work together to achieve nature’s recovery, get in touch.

Hear from who we have been working with

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If you would like to find out more about how we can work together to achieve nature’s recovery, get in touch by emailing or calling 01773 881188